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In response to the call for the development of "sea economy", build Beihai pill and skate brands!

Date of publication:2021-10-28

On October 27, jiujiajiu sister brand shrimp catching ushered in a grand opening ceremony. Leaders of Beihai Municipal government, sun Jiali, chairman of jiujiajiu shrimp catching, Zhai Yantao, general manager of shrimp catching, he Yongzhi, President of Chongqing hot pot Association, Li Guodu, President and President of China Light Industry Enterprise Investment and development Association, Liu Zhongguang, director of Beihai Industrial Park Management Committee and other leaders attended the site, Together with pepper society, China food news, Haoshiji, hot pot dinner and other mainstream media, we witnessed this exciting moment.

At the celebration, sun Jiali, chairman of jiujiajiu & Shrimp capture, delivered an impassioned speech, showing jiujiajiu's determination to reach a strategic alliance consensus with shrimp capture and make concerted efforts to build two super brands of pill and skate, and expressed warm welcome and thanks to the guests.

In the past 26 years, Jiujia has been deeply cultivating the product quality for a long time. With the image and reputation of "hot pot pill skating expert", Jiujia has established stable cooperative relations with famous hot pot, Shu Daxia and Xiaolongkan, and the number of stores has exceeded 10000. Now, in order to meet the needs of market segments and strengthen brand competitiveness, jiujiajiu has started the strategic transformation of single factory and single product mode since September 1, split the pill and slide business, and merged all slide businesses into the sister brand shrimp catching, which operates independently, while jiujiajiu brand focuses on Beihai shrimp pill and pill products. Give full play to their own characteristics, form brand effectiveness, grab the minds of customers, and bring Beihai shrimp balls and Beihai shrimp slides, the characteristic seafood products of Beihai, to a broader market.

In order to lead the brand into the 2.0 era, Chairman Sun did not hesitate to invest a lot of money to upgrade jiujiajiu factory. After the opening ceremony of shrimp catching, guests were specially arranged to visit jiujiajiu factory. The upgraded factory will become more large-scale, professional and modern - it not only has the first fully intelligent unmanned refrigeration warehouse and personalized ERP system in Guangxi, which can realize data sharing across the country and monitor the sales dynamics of each package of products in each warehouse across the country, but also equipped with a professional product operation team to provide advice and help customers' store operation.

As Chairman Sun said at the celebration, it is incumbent upon jiujiajiu and the shrimp catching sisters to jointly build the double brands of Beihai pill and skate in response to the call of the Beihai Municipal government to develop the "sea economy". As a benchmark in the industry, jiujiajiu will always play an exemplary role, make use of its own innovation and R & D strength, launch a new business card of "Beihai shrimp pill", and give a satisfactory answer to the market, customers and consumers!

Finally, I wish the sister brand shrimp catching record good luck in opening, product sales and performance Changhong again!

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